ALA Legal Collective:
Family, Personal Injury Plaintiff and IP Law
October 9–10, 2025 | Alexandria, Virginia

The premier forum for administrators working in a Family Law, Personal Injury or IP Law setting.
This event brings together legal management professionals who are passionate about advancing their skills and solving challenges unique to the areas of family, personal injury plaintiff and IP law. Attendees, primarily legal management professionals, value high-level, innovative content that equips them with practical solutions and fresh perspectives.
Attendees by Job Responsibility
ALA's Legal Collective Conference Attendee Demographics
Based on 2022 IP Conference attendence, where information was provided
Attendees by Firm Size
Attendees by Title

Director/Officer/Vice President
Other (Partner, Coordinator, Specialist, etc.)

Under 100 Employees
1000+ Employees
100-249 Employees
500-999 Employees
250-499 Employees

Meet Your Peers from Around the Country
Past Sponsors Include:

2025 ALA Legal Collective Conference Sponsor Packages
Sponsorship Packages to Help Your Organization Make the Right Impression!

Brand Impressions
Top logo placement on ALA conference signage
Logo and description in the conference mobile app
Logo on conference website
Exclusive Exhibit Exposure
Premium placement 6-foot tabletop exhibit
Exclusive Access
Three all-access sponsor staff badges
Staff Power-Up Option
Purchase up to four additional all-access sponsor staff badges for $299 each
Direct Marketing
Access to attendee pre- and post-show mail list (name, title, company name, mailing address)
Inclusion in one preconference email to all attendees (logo, website link, company description [25-word max])
App Push Notification
Your brand's exclusive message via app push notification (up to 250 characters)

Brand Impressions
Logo placement on ALA conference signage
Logo and description in the conference mobile app
Logo on conference website
Exclusive Exhibit Exposure
Enhanced placement 6-foot tabletop exhibit
Exclusive Access
Two all-access sponsor staff badges
Staff Power-Up Option
Purchase up to three additional all-access sponsor staff badges for $399 each
Direct Marketing
Access to attendee pre- and post-show attendee mail list (name, title, company name, mailing address)
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Available to exhibiting organizations only.
Your logo appears at the entrance to the exhibits and on the bar throughout the Reception. Over 90% of attendees will participate in the reception, so create a big impact and gain additional exposure for your company! The package includes an app notification from you that welcomes everyone into the exhibit area!
Reach every attendee in person! Your logo greets attendees from the stage while a member of your staff delivers a short welcome message (two-minute max — optional). Includes an app notification and the ability for your team to place a seat drop (optional — sponsor must provide materials and place on seats)
Be featured during the attendee lunch. Includes branded tabletop signage at every lunch table, signage at food and beverage areas during lunch hours, and sponsor-provided chair drop at each lunch table seat. Includes a lunch sponsor mention on conference agenda.
Have your branded signage greet attendees at each coffee station throughout the conference. Includes mention in the conference app. Your brand is shared throughout the entire event!
Direct Marketing Opportunities
Connect with every attendee multiple times before and during the conference with the Conference App Sponsorship! Your landing page will greet each attendee with a custom message each time they load the app to check the agenda or schedule. Includes one daily push notification for three days of the conference. Invite attendees to your booth, promote your appearance and even thank them on the way home.
Send a push notification to every attendee with the conference app to remind them to stop by your table. (Sponsor to supply)
Item Sponsorship Opportunities
Put your brand in the hands of all attendees staying at the host hotel with this exclusive sponsorship opportunity. Attendees will start and end their day with your brand in hand!
Gain an impression during every conversation with your company logo presented proudly on every attendee lanyard.
Make sure our attendees remember you each time they take notes with a conference pen. Have your brand travel back to the office in their pockets!